Dr. Javier Acuña

Dr. Javier Acuña

I am a specialist in General Surgery trained at the Israelita and Italiano Hospitals in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I have dedicated fifteen years of my professional life to the management of patients with obesity, performing minimally invasive surgical procedures that generate little pain and early recovery achieving excellent functional and aesthetic results.

In addition to his practice as a physician, he has been a university professor at prestigious academic centers in the country and has participated in research work on surgery for the management of obesity.

He is currently an active member of the Colombian Association of Bariatric Surgery, International Federation for the surgery of obesity and metabolic disorders and Colombian Association of General Surgery.

Specialist in GENERAL SURGERY at the Hospital Israelita de Buenos Aires.

Fellow of 2 years in HEPATO-BILIO-PANCREATIC SURGERY AND HEPATIC TRANSPLANT at the Italian Hospital of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Mini-Fellow in BARIATRIC AND METABOLIC SURGERY with Dr. Ricardo Cohen, Clínica San Camilo, Sao Paulo, Brazil.


Specialist in General Surgery with strengths in Bariatric Surgery, Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery and Wall Surgery.

I have performed more than 3000 surgical procedures for the treatment of obesity.

More than 70 courses, 20 of them international.

30 courses of Basic and Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery.

Instructor en cursos de Cirugía Laparoscópica a nivel nacional e internacional.

Author of works on Laparoscopic Surgery including a book chapter.

Author of more than 20 scientific papers (4 awarded).

50 publications: 29 national and 11 international.

5 book chapters: 3 international.

National and International Instructor of Laparoscopic Wall Surgery.

Active member of the Colombian Association of Surgery.

Active member of the Colombian association of obesity and bariatric surgery acocib.

Active member of the wall chapter of the Colombian Association of Surgery.

Team of experts

Equipo experto en Cirugía bariátrica más de 15 años de experiencia
Dr. Javier Acuña

Ana Robinson


I am a nutritionist from the Universidad del Sinú with a specialty in Pediatric Nutrition from Boston University. I am passionate about my profession because of the positive impact that my accompaniment can have in improving the quality of life of my patients.

I consider my career as an important vehicle to generate changes in people’s routines, prevent diseases, achieve weight goals, improve their self-esteem and self-esteem in them.

It makes me completely happy to help people and it has been satisfying to be part of Dr. Acuña’s team for 7 years, since I have witnessed how our patients flourish after this new life opportunity.

With seven years of experience in managing bariatric surgery patients I have a lot to contribute and teach. Nutritional adaptation is a fundamental part of the post-surgical process and is a key success factor in order to maintain the results obtained in surgery.

Dr. Javier Acuña

Angelica Maria Gonzalez

Customer Experiences Manager

I am a professional in Finance with 20 years of work in the health sector in hospital administration and health insurance. During most of my professional practice, my experience has been focused on the development of models that allow patients to have a better experience in their care process.

I feel truly satisfied with each patient operated on and the good results achieved individually. The unique story of our patients, each photo, tells us about processes that are not just about losing weight and looking better, but about achieving a change in the quality of life.

I am grateful and happy to be part of Dr. Acuña’s team, and my job is to make all our patients feel at home before, during and after their surgery.

Dr. Javier Acuña

Jannina Alvis Zakzuk

Psychologist and certified coach

I am a psychologist, specialist in health management, master in administration and certified coach by International Coaching Community. Passionate about healthy living, service and customer experience, I have more than 10 years of experience in the design of health services management models and service culture and qualitative research with a focus on quality of life.

I believe in personal transformation and in the ability of human beings to change our habits when we find a true purpose. I am happy to accompany you to find yours and build your best version.

Dr. Javier Acuña

Sumaya Palomino

Clinical Behavioral Psychologist

I am Sumaya Palomino Clinical Behavioral Cognitive Psychologist from the Javeriana University, I am certified as a Rational Emotive Therapist from the Albert Ellis Institute in New York, I am a consultant to encourage patients and professional coach from the international school of Spain.

I am a facilitator of positive discipline in children, family and couple and I am convinced that all change processes must be approached from the perspective of teamwork with the family support network.

My goal in Dr. Acuña’s team is to help my patients find their ideal potential by empowering them to accept their physical, mental, personal, social and emotional life change.

Dr. Javier Acuña

Jose Garcia Doria

Personal Trainer

I am José García Doria, for more than 15 years of my life I have been dedicated to sports, being a professional fighter in mixed martial arts. I represented my country in several sports competitions obtaining several titles that fill me with pride.

Currently, I am a personal trainer and physical trainer and I alternate this activity with electronic engineering, a university career that I studied.

I am convinced of the importance of incorporating physical activity in the routine and habits of all people, exercise is undoubtedly the best secret to maintain a good state of health and delay aging. For me, discipline in habits is the key to achieve and maintain results.

In Dr. Acuña’s team I design sports routines and motivate the patients to achieve their best version and complement and potentiate the good results of the surgery.

Dr. Javier Acuña

Daniela Macías Benítez

Patient Care Coordinator

I am a business administrator and specialist in quality management and health auditing from the University of Cartagena. I am passionate about providing outstanding service to our patients and meeting the highest quality standards.

In Dr. Javier Acuña’s team, I coordinate patient care, always with the complete willingness to accompany them throughout the entire process: before, during, and after surgery, ensuring high standards of quality in every interaction.

My main objective in the team is to ensure the complete satisfaction of each patient who places their trust in us, coordinating each of the services that are part of our protocol to achieve a smooth, efficient, and secure process.

Dr. Javier Acuña

Erika Correa Mastrodomenico

Administrative Team

I am a Business Administrator, graduated from the Technological University of Bolivar and Bilingual Administrative Accounting Assistant at the Centro Colombo Americano.

For more than a year I have accompanied Dr. Acuña as his assistant and support, dedicated to improving the experience in the care process of national and foreign patients.

A surgical procedure is probably one of the most important life decisions in the history of our patients, and that is why my mission is to make the entire journey of our users as pleasant and easy as possible.

As part of the team I will always be ready to welcome you to our practice and attentive to resolve all the concerns that arise in the process.



My desire is to help my patients in the management of their obesity and its associated diseases in an effective and safe way.

To recognize obesity as a chronic and progressive disease, to know each patient in their environment and above all to understand and guide them throughout their process until they reach their goal, which will be to generate wellness and gain quality of life.

For this I have formed a multidisciplinary, personalized, humanized and professional team that seeks to provide each patient a memorable experience.


Do you want to know a method to lose those extra kilos without anesthesia, without endoscopy and without surgery?

We present the Allurion Gastric Balloon Program, which bases its success on a constant accompaniment for 6 months so that the patient achieves his or her habit changes.

How the process works with us

Paso 1 para cita Dr Javier Acuña

Schedule the valuation appointment

Schedule your appointment with one click. You will be valued in a personalized and humanized way.


Paso 2 para cita Dr Javier Acuña

Have the valuation appointment

You will be assisted in person or virtually with Dr. Javier Acuña and the procedure that best suits your needs will be chosen.
Change image to one of Javier in his office.

Paso 3 para cita Dr Javier Acuña

Schedule the surgery

If you meet criteria. Are you ready to start the change of your life. If you want you can!


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